Japanese in middle school follows a carefully structured sequence of topics that prepares students for the IB Diploma Program (IBDP). The curriculum spirals; students get multiple exposures over the five years of their middle school experience, deepening and extending their understanding by revisiting the principles taught.
Many DISK students use Japanese with native or near-native proficiency, others as a second or additional language. Classes are generally separated to better respond to the needs of these two groups.
DISK students have been active participants in a nationwide haiku contest and participate in a local speech contest.
The grade 6 to 10 Japanese program uses a criteria-referenced assessment framework and an inquiry-driven approach to the subject. The course emphasizes analytical skills, organizational skills, production, and language usage.
Many DISK students use Japanese with native or near-native proficiency, others as a second or additional language. Classes are generally separated to better respond to the needs of these two groups.
DISK students have been active participants in a nationwide haiku contest and participate in a local speech contest.
The grade 6 to 10 Japanese program uses a criteria-referenced assessment framework and an inquiry-driven approach to the subject. The course emphasizes analytical skills, organizational skills, production, and language usage.
Updated Nov'22